How to Use the New Windows 11 Focus Sessions – Guide

While Windows 11 appears to have a new UI, it also includes some new ones. features. One of them is the new “focus session” feature in the newly updated Clock app. Here it is how to use it and do the tasks.

What are Windows 11 Focus Sessions?

Windows 11 Focus Sessions is a new update to the Clock app that extends its functionality into a full focus timer with Spotify integration. You can use Focus Sessions to set a specific period of time that you want to work towards, similar to the Pomodoro technique used by millions around the world. Once you set the timer, you select a playlist that comes with Spotify integration, press play, and you’re done. Of course, you need a Spotify account to use the Spotify integration, but you can remove the Spotify tile from the app if you don’t have one. When the timer ends, you will hear an alarm indicating that your work session has ended.

Windows 11 Focus Sessions Daily Progress Tracker

Now, for anyone who likes to keep track of their work or loves the challenge of keeping up a productivity suite, Focus Sessions also includes a daily progress tracker. Each day you complete a work period, your tracker will update over time, increasing your count. Also, you can set a custom daily goal to work on (although there is no option to set no goals at all) and the time of day you want the daily goal tracker to reset.

Windows 11 Focus Session Tasks

Focus Sessions also integrates with Microsoft To-Do, bringing your to-do list into the Clock app. Also, you can edit Tasks within Focus Sessions. Once the timer starts, the selected task will be locked and you will be ready to work on it for the set period. When the timer runs out, you can make changes to the list again. All changes made to Focus Sessions are synced to To-Do and vice versa, which is a useful option.

Windows 11 Focus Sessions Settings

At the bottom of the Focus Sessions window you will find the settings. In Settings, you can change Focus Sessions options including end of session alarm, end of break sound, Spotify tile visibility and show task list or not. There’s also the option to change the Clock app theme from light to dark, which is another nice touch.

How to Use Windows 11 Focus Sessions

As mentioned above, Focus Sessions is extremely easy to use.

Final note

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