Guide: How to Use Rip­ple Video Edit­ing in Sony Vegas

If you like hardcore video editing with too many clips and media segments to work on, you must know the pain of micro-editing. Especially if the editing timeline has too many elements to work with, editing between clips can be quite a task. The biggest challenge is to rearrange the elements after making a minor change to the timeline. The gap the video made while you were cropping it needs to be filled, and manually selecting the media files and moving them around on the editing timeline can be tricky. And if there is more than one operation you are trying to perform, you can imagine the mess it can cause.

Trying out Editing wrinkle is your best choice in such scenarios. And before we see how to run it in Sony Vegas Pro, let me quickly tell you what it is and how it can be useful. Note: Ripple Editing is available in many professional video editing tools and not just limited to Sony Vegas. This post will walk you through with a general idea to use on any professional editing tool.

Understanding Ripple Editing

In Ripple Editing, the entire timeline with different media files in different tracks is considered as one ripple. Any disturbance in it is automatically adjusted by the following clips. So let’s say you resize a clip, all segments following that clip will automatically move forward to be recorded up the empty space. Likewise, extending a clip makes room to push all other clips into the timeline.

This way, continuity is intact and you don’t have to manually select clips to move them on the timeline. So simple words is ripple editing a way to edit timelines without leaving a gap between them.

How to Ripple Edit in Sony Vegas Pro

To edit songs in ripple mode in Sony Vegas, you need to enable it in the settings. The option is disabled by default. In older versions of Sony Vegas, you could find the option as an icon in the toolbar. However, in the latest version, the option has been moved to the Options menu.

You can also enable the option by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + L and then continue editing the timeline. That is it. Once you enable the option, all clips are eligible up the empty space in the timeline when you edit the clips.

Things to note when editing ripple

Ripple editing certainly makes it easy to edit the clips on the timeline, but there are some points to keep in mind.


So that was a brief information on how to edit Ripple and how to use it in Sony Vegas if you are dealing with multiple clips. If in doubt, please ask us in our form and we will be happy to help you.

How to Use Rip­ple Video Edit­ing in Sony Vegas: benefits


Final note

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