Guide: How to Secure a Snapchat Account

Snapchat has quickly become one of the favorite destinations for young people to share their photos with friends, mainly because of its self-destruct feature and countless filters and other image enhancements features But since social media is in its infancy and the world is getting used to virtual life that transcends borders, there are many precautions to be taken to keep your data safe online. While Snapchat may seem like a harmless app where everything you post gets deleted in seconds, not everything is as black and white as it seems. Also Read: Does Snapchat Keep Your Snaps Longer Than You Think?

Share Only with friends

The best way to protect your privacy online is to only share your social updates with your friends, as you would share your social life with them in the real world.

By default, Snapchat sets a user’s account to friend only, which means that only the users who added you can send or see yours. If you set it to Everyone, anyone using Snapchat can access and take a look at your snap. Now, you wouldn’t allow strangers to look into your house while you’re celebrating with your friends, right? Then why would you do that on Snapchat? Beware of prying eyes. This also means you should avoid publicly sharing your username or snapcode on other social media profiles that you own – otherwise, give strangers an open invitation to your party.

Enable 2FA

Securing your account from unauthorized access is critical to security on the Internet, and one of the better options for securing your login is two-factor authentication.

To enable it, you need to go to the settings in your Snapchat app by clicking on the ‘Ghost’ icon at the top of the screen and then tapping on the ‘gear’ settings icon. Scroll down to where you see ‘Login Verification’ and tap it. In the new screen, scroll down and tap ‘Continue’. You can choose to verify your profile via text or an authentication app and then send the received code to the app.

Be careful what you post

Posting ridiculous updates on Snapchat has become a norm among users, but you have to be careful about what you post on the service. While Snapchats are programmed to self-destruct after a specific time frame or after all intended recipients have viewed it, there are third-party applications that allow other users to save your Snaps before they are gone for good. Yes, and there is also the option to take a screenshot. So, when you post to Snapchat, keep in mind that everything you post will come to an end up stay on the internet forever.

Turn off Quick add

Hide from Quick Add is another useful way to protect your privacy while securing your account.

Disabling your profile via Quick Add means friends of friends or people from your phone contact list you will not be able to find and add via the ‘quick add’ section on Snapchat. Not all of your friends’ friends are your friends or phone songs on your device belong to your friends so it’s a good idea to add directly and let your friends add you instead of taking up the ‘quick add’ route. To turn off Quick Add, go to Settings in the Snapchat app, scroll down to the ‘Who Can’ sub-heading and find ‘See Me in Quick Add’. Uncheck the box on the next screen. Also read: Why I Deleted My Snapchat For My Health … And Why You Should Too. A bonus tip – also one that is repeated over the internet – is to keep a strong password. If you don’t believe in the power of password manager (or lack thereof) then don’t forget to read this post from Ajinkya, it can help.

How to Secure a Snapchat Account: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of How to Secure a Snapchat Account”] In this guide, we told you about the How to Secure a Snapchat Account; please read all steps so that you understand How to Secure a Snapchat Account in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the How to Secure a Snapchat Account, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the How to Secure a Snapchat Account tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

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