Guide: How to Locate MAC, IP, and DNS Address on Win­dows 10 PC

When it comes to setting up network devices on Windows 10 PCs, requires many reasons that you know some basic networking terms. MAC, IP and DNS addresses are some of the most commonly used terms. Knowing their details would help you set it up up a new router or network troubleshooting. In this post, we will explore a few useful ways to find the MAC, IP and DNS addresses on Windows 10 systems.

1. IP address

What is an IP address

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique identifier in the form of a numeric label for your system when it connects to a computer network. It is a series of numbers separated by periods.

Each device connected to a network is assigned such an address. These addresses carry the location information of both the sender and the recipient on a network, just like packets. Each computer gets a different IP address when connecting to the Internet or locally on your LAN or Wi-Fi network. Tip: It’s worth noting that you can also mask your IP addresses to hide them from prying eyes. So if you notice anything strange, you can take the help of IP lookup tools to check the origin and other related details.

There is more to IP addresses, such as different types of addresses (static, dynamic, private) and different versions (IPv4 and IPv6). Fortunately, it is not rocket science to find out the IP address of your computer. You can find it from the command prompt or the settings.

How to Find the IP address from the command prompt

Press the Windows key + R keys to open the Run window and type cmd to open the command prompt. Type the following command as shown in the screenshot below. ipconfig You will see one or two blocks, depending on the network your computer is connected to (Ethernet and Wi-Fi). You will see a single block when the computer connects to Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

The address that appears next to the IPv4 address is your IP address. Cool Tip: The number string next to Physical Address is the MAC address of your network adapter.

How to Find IP address in Settings

Go to Settings (Windows key + I) and click on Network and Internet. Once inside, select Wi-Fi from the left menu (or Ethernet if connected via LAN).

Now click on Hardware Properties. Your system’s IP address will appear next to the IPv4 label.

2. MAC address

What is a MAC address

Media Access Control (MAC) addresses are unique addresses for each device that can connect to a network. Unlike the IP address, which keeps changing when connecting to different networks, the MAC address is permanent. And it represents the physical address of your system, be it a PC, laptop or any device that connects to a network.

One of the most important uses of the MAC address is to identify the other connected devices on the network, with which to identify your devices home/ Office WiFi network. In addition to the above method, there are two other methods to find out the MAC address.

How to Find MAC address through PowerShell

Alternatively, you can use Windows Powershell to retrieve the said address. Open PowerShell and enter the following command: get power adapter

Unlike the command prompt, this doesn’t fetch every detail. Instead, you get the basic network information, including Bluetooth network connection, Ethernet and Wi-Fi.

How to Find MAC address from Settings

You can also click the Wi-Fi icon on your PC’s taskbar> Properties.

That will take you to the profile of that network. Scroll down and you will be able to see the MAC address.

3. DNS address

What is a DNS address

DNS or Domain Name System helps to manage and map the IP addresses of all websites. You can equate it with one phone directory. So when you request a particular site from your browser, the name is checked against the DNS server which in turn passes the IP address to your browser.

It’s worth noting that different DNS servers take a different amount of time to respond, and this can affect your browsing speed.

How to Find DNS address from command prompt

Both Command Prompt and PowerShell can be used to find the DNS address your PC is connected to. If you prefer to use the command prompt, start typing the following command: ipconfig / all | findstr / R “DNS servers Cool Tip: The same command also works in PowerShell.

How to Find DNS address from Control Panel

You can also find the DNS address from the control panel. Go to Settings and select Network & Internet. Click Wi-Fi (or Ethernet) and scroll down until you see Network and Sharing Center.

Once arrived, click on the network name and then Details.

The value next to IPv4 DNS server is the DNS address of your system.

That is one Wrap

So this is How to find the IP address, MAC address and DNS server. Knowing the respective commands to know the exact details about either one can save you time. You can also easily use those addresses to troubleshoot any connectivity issues or strengthen the security of your network. Did you know there is a way to find out which DNS is fastest for you? If not, don’t forget to read the following message.

How to Locate MAC, IP, and DNS Address on Win­dows 10 PC: benefits


Final note

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