Guide: How to Enable Focus Assist on Win­dows 10

Today human attention is one of the most scarce things. With an increasing number of apps resorting to notifications to announce new ones features, even a small dollup can be quite distracting. While most of us usually think of smartphones as the main culprit, let’s not forget the humble PC. Yes, this piece of machine also ends up distracting us more than we think. Luckily, Windows 10 Spring Creators Update (build 17083) has a cool new one feature called Focus Assist, which allows you to enable a Do Not Disturb (DND) mode, similar to the one on phones

What is Focus Assist

Focus Assist isn’t just any DND mode for your PC. Rather than barricading your PC from all the tiresome and distracting notifications, this feature presents a configurable interface that you can customize to your liking. Focus Assist blocks all notifications and helps you focus on your work In addition, it has a number of useful modes to help you schedule the Focus Assist feature according to your calendar. Now that we know what Focus Assist is, let’s take a look how to make it possible.

How to Enable and configure Focus Assist

Step 1: Go to Settings> System and click on Focus Assist.

Alternatively, you can press Windows key + Q for Cortana and type Focus Assist. Step 2: Once inside you will notice two different modes: priority only and alarm only.

As will be clear, Alarms only blocks all notifications except alarms, just like the default DND feature from your smartphone. Step 3: If you’re looking for a more configurable option, check the Priority only option and click the Customize your priority list link.

Under the Priority list, you can choose (and manage) notifications from three places: Apps, People, and finally PhoneChoose the apps and options according to your preference and that’s it! No more annoying notifications that bother you during your work.

App, people and Phone Work on Focus Assist

The concept of adding an app to Focus Assist is simple. Just pick an app that you consider important enough to be interrupted at work and that’s it. The People app also works in a similar way. Make sure the contact book is synced with the other apps, such as Mail.

It’s the concept of Phone notifications that are slightly different. This feature only works if Cortana is installed on you phone, which in turn must be configured with the same ID as on your PC. If the said link exists, you can choose to receive notifications from any (or all) of the given options. However, if you don’t have Android phone ie if you are an iOS user then this option is prohibited for you. Cool fact: Focus Assist also shows you an overview of the notifications you missed when the feature was active.

Configure automatic rules

The good news is that Focus Assist isn’t just for activating on the job. You can also enable it when you play your favorite game on your PC and that is achieved using the automatic rules.

All you have to do is set them up up according to your wishes. As expected, the option names speak for themselves. For example, say that the ‘During these times’ option gives you a permanently set schedule that blocks all notifications. One of the best things about setting the automatic rules when playing games is that the system automatically detects when you play a full screen PC game and blocks notifications from appearing. up on the display (aren’t pop-ups the worst part during games?).

However, I found the ‘If I duplicate my display’ option was the best. This mode is important when you need to share your screen (via a projector or a secondary monitor) during presentations.

Bonus point: How to use the new timeline Feature

The Windows 10 Spring Creators Update build 17083 comes with one more new one feature called Timeline FeatureAs suggestive of the name, it gives you a visual representation of what you’ve been working on. The good thing about the timeline feature is that you can go back at least a week and see your activities.

To see the timeline feature, click the TaskView icon next to Cortana and everything will be revealed to you at once.

Timeline is enabled by default. However, if you want these activities to be limited to your system only, you can turn this off. Navigate to Settings> Privacy> Activity History and uncheck the two options you see in the right pane.

Tune in all distractions

Distraction from notifications is actually a huge problem, especially for people like me who are easily distracted from their jobs by the smallest alert population.up Are you able to give your full attention when working on a particular thing? If not, this new one is Windows 10 feature maybe your new BFF.

How to Enable Focus Assist on Win­dows 10: benefits


Final note

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