Guide: How to Disable/Enable Automatic Maintenance in Windows 10

One of the most common Windows problems is that your The PC becomes slow after not using it for a whileIf so, it’s most likely Automatic Maintenance to blame. If a system remains idle for about 5 minutes and does this daily, then Windows automatically runs the maintenance tool on the background. Worst of all, there are no options to turn this off feature in Windows 8 and 10. I think daily Windows automatic maintenance a little too often and interference. That’s why I keep it turned off and turn it on when I have nothing to do and I can safely maintain my PC. If you want to do this too then this post can really come in handy as I’ll show you how to disable automatic maintenance of Windows in Windows 8 and 10Let’s get started.

What is Windows Automatic Maintenance

It is essential that you do that knows what Automatic Maintenance actually does before turning it off. In fact, automatic maintenance performs multiple types of scans to check for and fix security, performance, and update problems. For example, it will check for virus definitions, defragment drives, and check for Windows and app updates, etc. This scan is important for an optimal Windows experience, but if it causes problems for your PC, you can turn it off. Although I will recommend it to you Turn on automatic maintenance from time to time and run it to get the best experience.

List of Windows automatic maintenance problems

Below are some common issues you may encounter while Automatic Maintenance is running. If you run into any of these issues, consider turning it off:

Your The PC becomes slow when the scan is runningAutomatic maintenance uses a lot of CPU resources and you may be missing system resources for your other tasks. However, if you have an advanced PC, you may not notice it. It will automatically wake up up your PC when the maintenance schedule starts. This can potentially preserve your PC up while you are away and unnecessary power consumption. If this is your problem then no need to disable automatic maintenanceJust type automatic maintenance in the search and you will find the option to prevent him from waking up up the pc If there is a problem with any of the maintenance tasks, it can lead to PC crashes and blue screen of deathThis is quite rare, but some users have reported that it happens after leaving their PC idle. If there is one feature that you don’t want to use, but Windows thinks it is important to you, it will report after each maintenanceThis can be very annoying and will disturb every day. If you are running multiple copies of Windows in a virtual machine, the maintenance can be performed on all virtual machines simultaneouslyThis can really slow down or even crash the system.

How to Turn off automatic maintenance

Windows 8 and 10 neither allow you to turn off automatic maintenancethat’s why we have to hack the registry a bit. A simple Windows registry key is all you need to manage automatic maintenance. Warning: Back upup of the registry before following these instructions. Any accidental changes to the registry can damage your system and possibly lead to data loss. Press the Windows + R keys and type regedit in it Run dialog box to open the Windows registry. Go to the following directory here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SOFTWARE> Microsoft> Windows NT> CurrentVersion> Schedule> Maintenance Now right click on Maintenance and go to New DWORD (32-bit) value A new item is created in the right panel. Give this item a name Maintenance Disabled same as written here.

The next double click the item to change it and enter 1 as the value. This enables this input, so disable maintenance. A PC restart is required to implement the changes.

To Re-enable automatic maintenance, just change the same entry again and add 0 as value. Tip Since I often turn on / off Windows automatic maintenance, I have added the registry location to my favorites for quick access. If you want to do the same, click on it Favorites button at the top of the registry and add the location to favorites.


Turning off automatic maintenance is not necessary and you should not do this unless you are having trouble. Although it does create problems for users with older PCs or those who want more control about what and when a process is allowed to run on their system. Let us know in the comments why you wanted to turn off Automatic Maintenance.

How to Disable/Enable Automatic Maintenance in Windows 10: benefits


Final note

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