Guide: How to Delete Locations from AccuWeather

As one of the most popular weather reporting services today, AccuWeather is available on almost every platform imaginable. Regardless of the region, it is almost certain that you will find a reasonably reliable, up-to-date prediction. However, if you browse specific locations out of curiosity, AccuWeather will continue to report on them. Some may find it annoying to see the weather forecast daily for places they don’t track. If you have such a problem, this article will help you to solve it.

Remove unwanted locations

Since AccuWeather is available on multiple platforms, removing locations is slightly different for each platform. The breakdown below provides information for desktop and mobile AccuWeather websites and Android and iOS mobile apps.

Desktop website

When you search for different locations using the AccuWeather website, it will continue to track the forecast for your last five choices. You can use the current location bar to see which locations the website is currently tracking. This is at the top of the page, right below the main navigation menu.

For example, the current location bar might look like United States Weather> New York, NY 78 NYF. On the right side of this text you see an arrow pointing down. Once you click on it, it will show the last five locations you searched for. This menu essentially lets you switch between the two quickly, which is quite a handy feature. Since this is done automatically, you cannot manually delete the unwanted locations. You can search for the locations you may find relevant to you and keep them hidden from the drop-down menu. To completely delete them, you must clear the cookies from your browser. This can be done in two ways. You can delete all cookies from the website or do this selectively by deleting only AccuWeather cookies. The selective removal of cookies is done in almost the same browser. Here’s how it’s done in Google Chrome: When it is done, close the browser “Settings” tab and all recent locations you have searched for will be deleted from the AccuWeather website.

Mobile Website

Although identical in content to the desktop website, the mobile version shows only the last three locations you searched for. You can see them at the top of the page, right below the website search bar. Of course, these locations change with each search and show only the last three. You also need cookies for your mobile browser to delete recent locations. If you don’t want to mess with other sites’ cookies, you can only delete those from AccuWeather. Again, here’s an example of how this works in the Google Chrome mobile browser, which is slightly different from the desktop version.

iOS app

Managing the AccuWeather locations on iOS is relatively easy. Wherever the AccuWeather location is displayed, simply tap the location name to open the Location Management menu. To delete unwanted locations, tap and hold the location name. When the menu appears, tap “Delete” and you’re done. Note that you cannot delete your current location.

Android app

As with iOS, deleting locations in the AccuWeather Android app is also super easy. Open the AccuWeather app on your mobile device and tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines). In the location list, tap and hold the name of the location you want to delete. When the trash can icon appears, click on it to delete the location. If you accidentally delete a location you didn’t want to delete, tap Undo button. It appears immediately after you delete a location. Note that to delete a location, the location list must contain at least two locations. And this does not include your current location determined by GPS.

Locations disappeared

After successfully removing all unwanted locations from AccuWeather, it is time to add the locations relevant to you. However, if you don’t want to keep recent locations, it’s a matter of deleting cookies for AccuWeather or the entire browser. Did you manage to successfully delete AccuWeather locations? How do you usually access the weather forecast? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

How to Delete Locations from AccuWeather: benefits


Final note

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