How to Configure and Install Git on Windows – Guide

As distributed version control systems continue to supplant centralized systems like Subversion and CVS, more and more developers are migrating to SaaS-based version control platforms like GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket. Of course, these are all Git-based systems, which means developers must first install Git locally on Windows or Linux computers to interact with them. In this Git tutorial, let’s demonstrate how to install Git on Windows. Next, we’ll use the five basic Git commands that every developer should know have been successfully installed.


Steps to Install Git for Windows

The Git installation prompts you to select a text editor. If you don’t have one, we strongly recommend that you install it before installing Git. Our summary of bwest text editors for coding can help you decide.

Download Git for Windows

Extract and launch the Git installer

How to Start Git on Windows

Launch Git Bash Shell

Launch Git GUI

From the news

Final note

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